The discography...

What The ?#@$! Does That Mean © 2000

The first demo was never released to the public as such. It was used to promote the band to venues and members of the music industry in Adelaide.

This was a very quiet recording that had come straight through the mixing desk and onto disc and so in mid-2001 there was another recording that appeared with the sound levels boosted so that it sounded like an ordinary recording.

There were originally 8 songs recorded during the SAP Sessions of 2000 but only 3 were chosen for this promotional demo; System Failed, Bury My Face and Ego Trippers.

The original 8 songs were; System Failed, Bury My Face, Ego Trippers, Backstreet, The Lies Spoken, Come Calling, Liquid and Hobble De Hog.

Foot In The Door Volume 4 - SA Ed. © 2001

The Foot In The Door Vol 4 Compilation CD was Ungkas' first commercially available recording. Released in the later half of 2001, track 20 featured Hobble De Hog taken from the 8 track SAP Sessions disc.

Amongst songs others on the disc were tracks from Rubbercage, Clone B, Dominian, Global Warning, Fastlake, The Seen, Fighter Pilot (nee-Half Baked) and The Lapdogs.

This disc was available as a single SA Edition or as a "six-pack" along with discs from the other states and territories of Australia.

Escape (Limited Ed.) © 2001

This is Ungkas' first solo disc that was commercially available.

When they won the SA Young Bands/Artists Band Competition Section 1 Grand Final, they won themselves some recording time with House of SAP, which they made room for in their busy schedule, and recorded five songs.

The disc was released with only four tracks and was limited to 500 copies as the prize was a limited number of reproductions.

The tracks that made it onto here are Back Street, Simple Ways, Tummy and Step In Line.

In it's first week they cleared over 200 copies and that was when it wasn't even advertised and no CD launch had been organised!

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